2 minute read

When developing C# applications, configuration files like App.config or Web.config are often used to store key settings. These settings can include anything from database connection strings to feature flags. However, relying on these configuration values without proper validation can lead to unexpected behavior or even application crashes. In this post, we’ll explore a reliable method for reading configuration values while providing a fallback mechanism in case the expected value is missing or invalid.

The Problem

Configurations can sometimes be prone to errors—values might be missing, improperly formatted, or entirely absent. For instance, if you’re fetching a limit on the number of database rows to retrieve, what happens if that value isn’t correctly set? To avoid potential issues, it’s essential to have a strategy that safely handles these scenarios.

A Reliable Solution

Here’s an example of how to read a configuration value, attempt to convert it to an integer, and use a default value if the conversion fails:

// Retrieve the row limit from the configuration file
var dbRowLimit = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DbRowLimit"];
var successfullyParsed = int.TryParse(dbRowLimit, out _rowLimit);

// Use a default value of 1000 if parsing fails
if (!successfullyParsed)
    _rowLimit = 1000;

Explanation of the Code

  1. Fetching the Configuration Value:
    var dbRowLimit = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DbRowLimit"];

    This line retrieves the value associated with the key "DbRowLimit" from the configuration file. The retrieved value is in string format.

  2. Attempting to Parse the Value:
    var successfullyParsed = int.TryParse(dbRowLimit, out _rowLimit);

    Here, int.TryParse tries to convert the string value dbRowLimit into an integer. If the conversion is successful, the result is stored in _rowLimit, and successfullyParsed is set to true.

  3. Fallback to a Default Value:
    if (!successfullyParsed)
        _rowLimit = 1000;

    If the string cannot be converted to an integer—whether because it’s null, empty, or not a valid number—the code assigns _rowLimit a default value of 1000. This ensures the application can continue running smoothly.

Why This Approach Is Beneficial

  • Resilience: By implementing a fallback value, your application can avoid crashing due to misconfigurations, making it more resilient.
  • Clarity: The logic is straightforward and easy to follow, which improves maintainability and readability.
  • Reusability: This approach is versatile and can be easily adapted for other data types or configuration settings, making it a handy pattern to use across your application.

Practical Use Cases

  • Database Settings: Use a default connection timeout or row limit if the configuration is absent or invalid.
  • API Configurations: Implement default retry counts or timeout values for API calls to ensure that the application doesn’t fail due to configuration errors.
  • Feature Management: Ensure feature flags or toggles have safe defaults, preventing the application from enabling or disabling features incorrectly.


When working with configuration values in C#, it’s important to anticipate possible errors. The provided example demonstrates a robust way to handle configuration values by verifying their validity and falling back to a safe default if necessary. This practice ensures your application remains stable, even in cases where the configuration is not as expected.

By integrating this pattern into your development process, you can safeguard your applications against common issues associated with configuration files, resulting in more reliable and maintainable code.

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